The data prove that truck drivers are much safer while driving as compared to automobile drivers are.
However, per FMCSA, large truck crashes stood at 5,604 deaths and 19,000 injuries in 2021 alone. As more consumers are going online to purchase products, there are more large trucks on the road today. Unfortunately, this may lead to increase of the number of accidents involving trucks. There are of the different special rules and regulations that commonly apply to commercial truckers.
In particular, the food truckers are required to observe the local traffic laws and the rules and regulations of FMCSA. These are the regulation that dictate how many hours of service a truck driver can work. The FMCSA also regulates other areas of the trucking market. As is the case with most of the regulations, a variety of them is concerned with the working hours of truck drivers. They also guide the commercial truck drivers on the mode to use in documenting their miles and their vehicles’ maintenance. Moreover, big truck drivers are required by the law to pull into weight-check stations to record their loads as they drive around.
If your attorney can prove that the defendant violated any of these rules and regulations the fault can be proved in your case.
Proving Your Case
In order to show that the defendant is liable in your truck accident case; the following has to be demonstrated. In this case, your attorney must be in a position to demonstrate that the trucker was negligent. This could be reckless driving. Your personal injury lawyer needs to provide evidence that would persuade the jury that the trucker was to blame for your severe injuries. Vehicle owners must be able to prove that they sustained damages and injuries. According to this, if the three can be proved, then the one that is accusing should lose the case. In any jury trial, the outcome depends on your facts and evidence presented before the jurors during the trial.
Potential Defendants
However, to improve the chances of recovery, your attorney will name as many potential defendants as possible. For example, besides the truck driver, you may need to pursue the following parties:
- Trucking companies
- Contractors Employers
- Mechanics Vehicle manufacturers
Goals of the Page
The main aim of this page is to inform you on legal services for those involved in truck mishaps.
Legal Advice and Rights
Comprehensive Knowledge About Your Legal Rights
When driving a truck then consulting with lawyers makes you act rightly the situation that you engage in an accident.
Measures to be Taken in Case of An Accident
• Pretend like you didn’t see it and look for injuries, if any
• Share information with the other side
• Ensure you have taken pictures, then go to the police and file a report of the accident
How to Seek Legal Help and Make a Claim
If you are suffering from or know someone suffering from a truck accident, you’re not alone. You can consult with law firm specialized solely in dealing with truck accident injuries.